There are many things I love about the winter and holiday season. I love holiday music, I love Holiday Apple Pie Moonshine, I love giving, I love the christmas trees and colorful lights. I even love cheesy quotes, sappy gestures, and ironically I love playing in the snow. It's ironic because one of the things I dislike the most about this season is being cold. Specifically when getting out of the shower, or even while in the water. It seems like no matter what you do half of your body is always covered in goose bumps. Then you get out and your skin turns into sandpaper as you try to dry in record speed. That, and wet socks. Wet socks are the worst. I'm cringing just thinking about it now.
But, enough negativity! Let's talk about something awesome, like classic quotes. One of my absolute favorite this time of year is, "eat drink and be merry!" Mostly the drinking part, because if we're honest with ourselves, we could all use a drink. Whether from stress or celebration a sip of something relaxing is always nice. The eating part is good too. Well, for that matter so is being merry! I mean, after all that is the general goal of this season. Basically that quote IS winter time, because to me it sums up the entire holiday season. Eat good food, drink delicious beverages, and be cheerful each and every day.
And Pie! Oh, best we not forget about pie. For me, pie is holidays and holidays are pie. Growing up, homemade pie was the dessert of choice at every family gathering. As kids, we always looked forward to the choices and raced back to the table to be first in line. We would leave the lions losing, family stories looming, and toys behind because pie was all we could think about. Pumpkin pie, cherry pie, rhubarb pie, blueberry pie, and apple pie. Yeah, apple pie is that heartwarming, feel good, grandma's love kind of pie. Classic.
Giving is a wonderful thing we all love about the holiday season. We all enjoy the warmth giving brings, as we see someone's face light up or tears swell with gratitude. I love giving because it feels so darn good to give. It can even be easy to give, to donate your time and support those around you, in your community, and the world we live in. It is a beautiful thing.
You know what is not so easy sometimes?
Giving gifts to family and friends. This isn't always the case, but I'm pretty sure we all have at least one person in our lives who is impossible to shop for, and we never know what to give.
What if I told you that if you scroll down this page there is a something that can give you all the best about the holidays. It can cause you to be cheery even on the most stressful of days. It will warm your body, before, during, and after you shower. It will also keep you warm when you come in from playing outside; however, it WILL NOT help keep your socks dry. Bummer. But, it will cause nostalgia to wash over you like diving into your favorite childhood swimming spot. It also will help give, as it is the perfect gift in my opinion.
IT is the best Holiday Apple Pie Moonshine recipe!
This is an easy recipe, perfect for sipping and sharing. You can put into a big bowl so Aunt Tammy and Uncle Ben stop arguing about how dry the turkey is or how bad the lions are this year. Enjoy it during family gatherings or holiday parties. Cheers with it under the mistletoe or when the ball drops. No matter how or when you drink it, you will certainly enjoy it.
Before we get started please note:
*It is still ILLEGAL to distil alcohol without the proper licensing. There are many misconceptions regarding this, especially because you can purchase personal distilleries online. Moonshine, by definition, is the act and product of illegally distilling alcohol.
For more info regarding distilling alcohol in the US and the penalties click here.
This recipe is NOT actual moonshine. There is no distilling at all, so no worries there.
Here are the ingredients necessary to make Holiday Apple Pie Moonshine:
- 1/2 Gallon Apple Cider
- 1/2 Gallon Apple Juice (or 1 Large Bottle) *No added Sugars
- 4-8 Cinnamon Sticks
- 1 Cup Brown Sugar
- 1/2 Cup White Sugar
- 375 ml (Half of a Fifth) High Proof Grain Alcohol such as Everclear
- 1 & 1/2 Cups Vanilla Vodka
This recipe is a culmination of apple pie everclear along with other various recipes such as a vanilla flavored moonshine recipe. There are also many other variations of this recipe so please feel free to mix it up a bit. I've heard that a good spiced rum is great instead of vanilla vodka. You could also easily double the recipe or cut it in half.
This apple pie moonshine drink has lower amounts of sugar than many other similar recipes and should be made with all natural ingredients. It is also quick, simplistic, and can be easily stored. Not too mention this is absolutely delicious. For those of you who enjoy store bought moonshine, this is more flavorful and smoother than peach moonshine.
Here's a video showing how to make it, followed by step by step instructions:
Apple Moonshine Instructions
Step #1
Gather ingredients and add juices to large pot.

Getting your ingredients ready before you begin always makes the task easier and more enjoyable. Once you have them ready to go, simply add in the cider and the apple juice.
Step #2
Move the pot to the stovetop and bring juices to a boil. Don't forget to stir regularly.

Once it begins to boil reduce the heat to a low or low-med temp, and begin to add your dry ingredients. The reason you want to boil it in the beginning is so the sugars dissolve quickly, and the high heat allows the cinnamon sticks to really open up for all the flavors to blend together.

Step #3
Add the brown sugar and stir it in before adding the next ingredients.
*Be careful not to splash and burn yourself!

Step #4
Add in the white sugar, and be sure to also stir before adding anything else to the pot. This ensures that nothing will sit on the bottom of the pot and potentially burn.

Step #5
This is arguably the most important part... Add all the cinnamon sticks! These are vital to achieve that ooey gooey center-of-the-pie taste.

Once all the dry ingredients have been added, simmer on low to low-med for 20 minutes.
Step #6
Let cool, or remove from heat and set on a trivet. Then fish out the cinnamon sticks and save in a separate container so they can later be added to each jar.

Step #7
Let cool COMPLETELY! This is absolutely vital so no alcohol with evaporate. Once the liquid is cooled to room temperature, or cooled in a fridge overnight, add in the pre measured grain alcohol and the vanilla vodka.

Step #8
Finally, pour the apple pie moonshine into your favorite sized mason jars for refrigerated storage. Then you can choose to give them as cute gifts that anyone of age will love, or hoard them all for yourself. Either way, it feels good.
Don't forget to add a cinnamon stick to each mason jar. We had six sticks so after we took them out and they cooled down, we broke them in half the long way so each of our ten jars could have one.
We also used smaller mason jars than what most people might use. We did this for two main reasons.
Reason 1:
This drink is fairly potent. This is definitely a sipper, not a gulper. There is a fair amount of alcohol in these drinks but it is beautifully masked by the sugar, cinnamon, and apple flavor. This is especially true after sitting another night in the jar.
Reason 2:
To make more gifts out of the same batch. Well, that's the rational I use. My partner however, thinks a little differently. She just thinks they are far more cute, so obviously they make better gifts. I say more booze, she says cuter jars. I suppose that's where we differ.
Of course if you double the recipe you will surely need the larger jars.
Oh, and don't forget to save a jar for yourself. Enjoy it cold straight from the fridge, because it honestly tastes like an apple pie that has been squeezed into a juice with no taste of alcohol. You can also heat it up to make hot apple pie moonshine. To do this I suggest warming it on low heat in a crockpot. You could add apple slices straight into the mixture if you'd like.
Warm apple pie moonshine is a delicious option that will warm you up like a cup of hot cocoa after being out in the cold hunting or building a snowman with the family all day.
You can also drink it like a shot or make a fancy cocktail out of it by dipping the rim of a martini glass in cinnamon sugar, adding holiday apple moonshine, and garnishing with an apple slice. If you want a sipping mixed drink, combine caramel, apple pie moonshine, and lemon juice in a shaker, then filter pour, add ice, and garnish with an apple slice.
Personally I enjoy just drinking it straight from the mason jar. Be sure to give it a little shake because it will settle the longer it sits.
We hope you enjoy!
Happy Holiday's!!