Tips on How to Effectively Call a Deer

One of the most discussed/debated issues when it comes to deer hunting is how and when to call. There are many hunters that choose not to use a deer call of any kind. Then there are hunters that use multiple calls frequently. Both of these methods have been successful. However, I believe that using deer calls the right way, and at the right times can be a huge advantage to the hunter.

How to effectively call a deer

What calls should I use?

There are many different calls and methods of calling available to us. The challenge is narrowing down and deciding what calls we should be using. I have compiled a list of my favorite calls below.

Primos Hardwood Grunter

I love this call. This call is a classic grunter with several flexibilities. It has an adjustable reed which allows you to change the sound it makes. You can do doe grunts, buck grunts, and even bleats. This gives tremendous advantage to the hunter since there are a variety of calls he/she can make with the same call.

I like to set the reed on the setting for doe grunt. I have found this to be very effective in calling in doe and bucks. Just this morning (at this writing) I successfully called a young buck within feet of my ground blind using this call. However, he was a little too young so I let him pass.

The Original Can- Primos

This call is legendary. It is a small can that makes the sound of a doe bleat. This call mimics the sound of a doe during the rut. It has a small hole on the top of the can that you hold your finger over in order for it to make the sound. In other words, it will never accidentally make noise when you do not want it to. I also like this call because its design takes the possibility of “human error” out of the equation. Often times while calling with the grunter, you can find yourself asking, “Am I doing this right?” With the can, you do not have this problem.

I love this call because of the power it has over bucks during the rut. When the bucks are sparring, leaving their scrapes, and chasing their doe, it is very easy to call them in to you with this can. However, I personally have not had much success with this call outside of the rut.

Rattle Bag

One form of calling that is often overlooked is that of a rattle bag. There are many kinds of these bags sold in hunting stores. The purpose of this bag is to mimic the sound of two bucks sparring. This call is also most successful in the rut. When the bucks hear this sound, they come walking up looking for a fight. This is their chance to establish the pecking order of the dominant buck.

When should I call?

First we need to establish what times are the best times to use a call. There are many opinions on this, so I will not pretend to know all of the answers, I will simply tell you what has worked for me.

Depending on what part of the season it is, when I arrive at my blind or tree stand I sit in silence. I sit, wait, and listen. Usually I arrive early enough that I cannot see anything without a flashlight. So, I just sit in the quiet until I am able to see a little distance in front of me. I do not call immediately after entering the blind. I wait until I have been able to see a little of what is in front of me.

If I do not see anything, I will start calling. Using my best judgment based on the part of the season, I will determine which calls to utilize at this moment. I will call a few times, then sit for 15 minutes and wait. If I still have not seen/heard a der, I will call again. I repeat this cycle until I see a deer, or until it is time for me to leave the stand to get to work.

You need to always be mindful of the time of year. Has the rut started? Is it pre or post rut? This makes a tremendous difference in which calls to use and which ones to leave out.

Do you have a favorite call that is not listed here? Share it with us and tell us why you love it.

Happy Hunting!!

Image by Buck Valley Ranch